Kauai Community Cat Project

Welcome to Kauai Community Cat Project!

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We are a small organization, surviving solely on contributions.

Be Generous

Protect and improve the lives of Kauai's community cats…

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Contact us if you would like more information.

Contact Us

Contact us regarding our community cat services.

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March’s Black, Green Eye Cat, Belated St Patrick’s Day 1-1 Match Challenge


We know money is tight everywhere, but we have another challenge grant opportunity. This ends the last day of March, so if you can help, we would SO appreciate it! Mahalo!

If you would like to help more kitties by contributing to this challenge, please make a donation today!

We Need Your Help!!

What We Do

Kauai Community Cat Project is a TNR (trap/neuter/return) organization which means we advocate for spay/neutering cats, and after surgical recovery, returning them back to where they were originally found. As much as we would like to help, we have no physical facility, we are not a rescue and have no official foster program, and can not remove or relocate groups of cats.

If you would like to help more kitties, all donations are tax deductible. If you can, please make a donation today!


Do you have a cat (or maybe more?) that needs to be spayed or neutered? Make an appointment with our mobile SpayMobile and help prevent unnecessary litters! Fill out an application here.

Kauai Community Cat Project’s Mission

  • Promote Responsible Pet Ownership

    We engage the public in promoting responsible pet ownership and tolerance for community cats.

  • Humane Cat Population Control

    We humanely reduce and stabilize the cat population without killing.

  • Protect Kauai's Ecosystems

    We advocate and facilitate TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return) as the most effective way to protect our ecosystems island-wide.

  • Care For Kauai's Community Cats

    We look after the welfare of Kauai’s stray, abandoned, and feral cats.

Report a sighting
Wings For Whiskers
Won't you please volunteer?