About Community Cats
What is a community cat?
A community cat is either a stray, homeless or feral cat. It is a term that describes the many different cats living outdoors who do not have an owner. There is no accurate way to estimate how many community cats there are on Kauai. Some articles quote 5,000, while others estimate up to 15,000 with some living where we live, work and play, in addition to more in the 200,000 acres of inaccessible wilderness areas.

About Colony Management
Responsible management of existing community cat colonies includes: humane trapping; spay and neuter of colony cats; daily monitoring and treatment for illness or injury; removal of kittens for socialization to make them adoptable; removal of friendly dumped or abandoned adults for adoption; euthanasia of cats whose suffering cannot be alleviated; ear-tipping and microchipping cats following spay or neuter; returning cats to the location from which they were trapped (provided they do not face imminent risks); and providing daily care that includes food and water, as well as monitoring for arrival of new animals. The goal of any community cat management program is to maximize the quality of the lives of colony cats while decreasing and gradually eliminating the colony over time through attrition.